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Here at Drain Master, we had the pleasure of meeting one of our customers last winter when he and his wife stopped by to get some help with a modification to their RV that would make using their Waste Master Sewer hose system even cleaner, easier and trouble free.  Ray and his wife Anne have a wonderful website where they share their full timing experiences, RV tips, upgrades and modifications. Ray posted and excellent article and supporting video, detailing the modification which you’ll want to check out.  Once you’ve read it go ahead and explore the site further. We think you’ll find many interesting tips and articles.

Excerpt from by Ray Burr

You may remember last year I gave the Waste Master RV Sewer System a full Love Your RV review. I was very impressed with the design and quality of the hose and connections. In the last year, it hasn’t failed to live up to my high expectations.

The only major beef I had with the sewer hose was the permanently attached 90-degree head, storage was an issue. It would not easily slide into the rear bumper like my old hose did. I ended up building a custom carrier for it mounted on top of the bumper. This arrangement worked well enough however I’ve since come to realize there may be a much better solution.

Soon after my review was published I was contacted by Doug Swarts of He is a long time RVer and the designer of the Waste Master Sewer System. Doug informed me he envisioned the sewer hose to be always hooked to the RV. Therefore it would be unnecessary to decouple it between campsites. No more dribbling stinky slinky to deal with when breaking camp. The Waste Master hose would live in its own storage box or sleeve.  Read the Full Article HERE